Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hiding In Your Nest- Part One

Where are you hiding? What are the beliefs you hold about yourself that prevent you from living the life you love? What is it that you truly want out of life and what are you doing that is hindering that from coming true?

We are human, we grow, we expand, that's just what we do. In every moment we are growing whether we like it or not! Every second is a different moment in time. It is human nature to cling to the past and hold onto the things we think keep us safe but this prevents us from growing to our full potential and from living in the moment. And we know this moment is all there is, so let's get back to living in the moment by getting out of our nest, our comfort zone.

I used to hide because I knew no other way. Most of the time I was very conscious of the fact that I was hiding but I didn't know a way out. I didn't know how to break through that wall that I had created and most of all I was frustrated that there was a wall to begin with. Where did it come from? Who built it? Why can't I just karate kick it down and voila, happiness! It's funny because I always thought of myself as easy going and happy and I think that's because I really really wanted to be. But I was ignoring all of the feelings harbored deep inside of me that wanted to be released. I was scared to admit that I had these feelings about myself- that would make them too real. So I stuffed these feelings down in my body, not allowing myself to ask for help, not allowing myself to feel sad or angry when I needed to. This is why I had the excess weight. I didn't allow my feelings to flow freely and I stuffed down my emotions, my food, and everything else. It had no where else to go but stick around. I can now pinpoint the moment in time in which I decided I was unworthy of loving myself and being fully present in my body. I will save this story for my next post (oohh la la suspense) but for now, think about the beliefs you hold about yourself that aren't true and try to pinpoint the areas in your life where you may be hiding.

My nest is the [false] belief that I don't have a "beautiful" body and therefore I am unworthy of my desires and unworthy of speaking my truth. This standard of beauty that I based my whole self image on was set by our society and it just an illusion, IT IS NOT REAL. Pheww that feels good. Everyone is beautiful and we are the ones who can choose to see that beauty in everyone and everything. It starts with YOU.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ali,
    I wanted to let you know I read your blog and I think its amazing. I love how you describe your journey to inner peace and contentment! You are an inspiration - continue to share!!
