Last night I attended a meditation and writing workshop called Recommitting to You led by Meredith Levick, of Morning Love Letter, and Macha Einbender, of http://www.spiritualmakeoverartist.com/. These gatherings are always incredible but the combination of meditation and writing in a circle of women is a powerful one. Writing is a tool we can all use to tap into our deepest desires as well as feelings that are hidden in our subconscious mind. Last night we used writing to look at where we are giving our energy to others, how we are giving to ourselves, and then how that is serving us. The end of the evening was focused on what part of ourselves we wanted to cleanse and rid ourselves of before 2011. During the meditation, we envisioned everything being thrown into purple flames. This was an incredibly freeing visualization and a powerful thing to do to close out the year and recommit to who we want to be for the coming year.
I wanted to share my writing with you. Here we go!
I throw my inhibitions into the flame. I throw the fear of not being loved for being just being alive, for just being me. I throw away the thought that I am not sexy, that I am not beautiful, that I am broken. I embrace my inner sexy goddess. I let her come out and play. I don't contain her to the bedroom but I let her out with my friends, in my career, in every moment. She deserves to be who she is. She is ready. She has been waiting for this time when she is accepted and she delights in your love for her. She is passion. She is drive. She is motivation. She is fun. She is sexy. She is spontaneous. She is loving. She is Love.
What are you ready to throw into the flame? What part of yourself are you ready to embrace?
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