Here is an add on to my last post. I was writing that during a time when I saw the cage that I created for myself very clearly but in the past week I can see myself flying. Free Bird style. And props to my new friend Shasty who reminded me that I see the open door of the cage.
I think of the security of cages. How violence, cruelty, oppression, become a kind of home, a familiar pattern, a cage, in which we know how to operate and define ourselves…"
— Eve Ensler
How have you created a metaphorical jail cell in your life? Where do you feel stuck, paralyzed? What areas of your life are you unable to run free into the wide open blue sky of freedom?
Close your eyes and picture yourself at an intersection of a road. To your left is your jail cell and to the right is a wide open sky.
Where do you see yourself? What does it feel like where you have put yourself? Who do you see?
What do you see on the other side of the road? What do you feel about that other side?
If you are in your cage, do you feel safe, protected, cared for? Does the coldness, the isolation, the victimization feel warm and inviting?
Ask yourself: are you ready to run free? Are you ready to make your own rules, to listen to nothing but the Truth that resides inside of you? Are you ready to feel pure weightlessness?
I want to be ready. I want to be free. Right now, the comfort of the cage is what I know but the cage door has opened. Freedom, Truth, Life, Light, Warmth. It is all at my fingertips. Flying is a choice.
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