You don't have to make a decision just to make a decision.
That's right, it is okay NOT to decide.
Today I woke up and told myself I needed clarity to decide where to go with my career. I enrolled at IIN to become certified as a holistic health coach which I am thrilled about. This doesn't begin until January and at this moment I have total freedom to decide what I want to do before I get started in my career as a health coach. I am currently freelancing with my graphic design skills but I keep feeling the need to decide where I should go from here- I could take a full-time job, a part time job and freelance at the same time or I could decide freelancing is the way to go and I don't need anything else. I have been grappling with this indecision all year- which way is the right way? After some meditation and talking this out with one of my mentors, I came to the profound realization that I really don't need to decide right now and it's in my impatience and not accepting what is that I feel like I need to. I am not saying I am going to sit here on my butt and not do anything. However, I want to take aligned action and for a reason that is unbeknownst to me, this is where I am at today. I am coming to peace with the fact that the timing wasn't right or maybe the timing was right but my limited self cannot see it right now.
MAN this is not easy to remember when I fall back into the place of comparing myself to others. However, in realizing that I don't need to decide my career path right now, I see that I want and need to discover my path. This is a subtle difference in words but it changes everything!
Making a decision implies some idea of permanence. In Reality, I know that when I make a decision, I can change my mind the second after and that is okay.. But the belief that I have been holding onto is that once I make a decision, I am stuck with it. I define myself by the decisions I make. But when I reframe my life in terms of discovering myself and discovering what I love versus deciding on something before I know if I like it, I am free to discover anything and everything I want. Watch out Christopher Columbus, Ali Leipzig may discover something even bigger than the Americas ;) . But really, no wonder so many of us don't know what we want to do with our lives. You can't know before you try it out!! We have so many options available to us that at times it is overwhelming. We live in the day and age of freedom yet we are chained to our own limiting beliefs that hold us back from testing the waters. We are stuck in the place that tells us to make the right decision or the place that tells us we should know everything right now.
Let's stop deciding and start discovering!
Ali, I am so excited to hear more about your new endeavor. Keep blogging, its fantastic! wendy