I have found that most people, including me, have at least one area of their life in which things are not flowing- whether it is with their careers, romantic relationships, friends, physical activity, whatever. There was a moment in time in which we took a detour into fear and forgot the magnitude of our greatness. We then carry this limiting belief around everyday, preventing this area in our life to be as magnificent as it could be. This moment could seem so insignificant looking back now but at the time you believed it as your truth. Maybe you gave up dance class after your teacher demoted you from the front row to the back row. Maybe the boy you had a crush on told you that you were ugly. We all have areas in our lives where we limit ourselves and there comes a time when a reevaluation of our beliefs are necessary. You may not be the greatest dancer in the world but you can sure dance up a storm and have a blast while doing it.
The moment when I began to hide was when I was 13. It wasn't anything dramatic but it was a day I remember clearly. I was standing in the dressing room in Nordstrom with my mom, trying on clothes for the new school year. I saw tons of cute items and brought them into the dressing room. One by one, I tried on each item and nothing was working. None of the pants I wanted would button and the shirts didn't fit right. I looked into the mirror with the harsh, cold lighting beaming down and I was disgusted. I looked in the mirror and saw a girl I didn't want to be. This is the moment when I chose fear over love. The fearful voice turned on me and became my own inner bully.
This inner bully loves keeping you inside your comfort zone. The reason why it loves keeping you inside your comfort zone is because once you jump out, once you are thrown out of the nest, you begin to see that what your inner bully is telling you is false. Getting outside of your comfort zone reminds you of your infinite nature, of your limitlessness.
I have challenged myself to do one thing every day that takes me outside of my comfort zone and it has been miraculous!! I am loving life. Each time I "feel the fear and do it anyway", I am exhilarated and I see more and more the infinite potential inside of me. It doesn't have to be big- even as simple as saying hello to a stranger on the street works, just as long as you are doing something outside of your normal everyday actions. Try a new dance class, go to dinner by yourself, go to a lecture you normally wouldn't go to, strike up a conversation with the guy sitting next to you on the subway. And be proud of yourself for trying something new. It isn't always easy but it's always worth it.
I will leave you with this: think about how your inner bully has kept you hiding and if you are up for it, challenge yourself to do ONE thing outside of your comfort zone. See how you feel, you never know what can occur ;)
PS. Since I am usually not the best at commitments, I am challenging myself to commit to writing in this blog atleast 3 times a week. Just sharing this so it is out there in the universe ;)
PPS. I am now reading "Food Energetics" by Steve Gagne and I can't wait to write about everything I learn from this book.
nice post. keep 'em coming. -jason
ReplyDeleteThanks for following my blog. I am now following yours. Wonderful writing and thank you for sharing your story.
ReplyDeleteI too am on my spiritual journey. Its tough, but I am so up for this challenge and loving every minute of it. Finding out more and more about myself.
I hope your spiritual journey is going well for you. We must stay focus and attract what we want in life to be.
I will be checking with you, spiritual sister!